Designed, Drawn and Rendered by Daniel Borosa
Medical Research Centre in Rome
Un centro di ricerca medica
Located 15 km from the city center, University Hospital Sant’Andrea is one of the largest public hospitals in the city of Rome. University Hospital Sant’Andrea is also the headquarter of “La Sapienza University” Medical School and is well recognized also for clinical research and related activities. The proximity of such a related institution, the highway, and yet a moderate distance from the center of the metropolis, creates excellent conditions for the development and operation of the proposed institution such as the Medical Research Center.

Healthcare & public Institution design
Main requirements
According to David Staczek, a prominent architect with over 26 years of experience in healthcare construction projects, there are 10 main elements that make a perfect hospital design:
Architecture & Campus Design
Welcoming Design Aesthetic
Drop-Off and Parking
Internal Wayfinding
A Better Waiting Area
Pleasant Clinical Environment
Onstage / Offstage Environment (The Disney Effect)
Healthy Building = Healthy Occupants
Personalization and Choice
Dignified Discharge
Since the proposed Medical Centre is NOT to be a hospital in full terms, it still holds several important elements from the list.
The BIM Project - Via Veientana Medical Research Centre
Architecture & Campus Design
Good campus planning and architecture allow for better street layout, access to buildings and building entrances, which speeds up the practical use of architectural structures.
A good hospital design should reflect the region's climatic and geographical conditions, as well as the visual and cultural ethos of the institution.
There is no better way to feel cared for - than by removing all worries about arrival, departure and parking thus increasing practical features and making it easier for staff to work.
Pleasant Clinical Environment
While it’s tempting to focus only on lobbies and waiting areas, clinical areas like labs and workspaces need just as much attention.
Personalization and Choice
Personalization greatly helps to create a comforting experience for either staff or clients i.e. patients and other visitors by giving them little space for refreshment.

Welcoming Design Aesthetic
Drop-Off and Parking

Day and Night view comparison
up: Total Front Side
down: Central Lobby, First Floor

Via Veientana as proposed by a BIM model.

Via Veientana in the current state.
Source: Google Maps
Location Information: Via Veientana, 00189 Roma RM, Italy
Geographical code: 41°58'48.1"N 12°26'43.8"E

The geographical relationship of Sant'Andrea University Hospital in relation to the architectural proposal of the new medical center.

The site lies on a volcanic field and consists of volcanic tuff and a sedimentary top layer. In Rome, the summers are short, hot, humid, dry, and mostly clear and the winters are long, cold, wet, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 3°C to 31°C and is rarely below -2°C or above 35°C. (Weather Spark, 2021).
Rome, CAD map near Grande Raccordo Anulare motorway A90
CAD Rome map source: